Selected Media Appearances
This list contains some selected various media appearances (mainly TV) made by Heino Falcke in the last couple of years. This does not yet include radio and podcast appearances.
More media appearances regarding his book can be found here.
- on Al Jazeera, TV, April 2017: Scientists set to capture first-ever image of a Black Hole
- Sky News, TV, April 2017: Observatories around the world to capture image of a black hole
- ABC Australia, Radio, April 2019: Black hole image released by scientists in world first
- BBC, Online / Video, April 2019: First ever black hole image released
- Science Magazine, Online, April 2019: For the first time, you can see what a black hole looks like
- DER SPIEGEL, Online, April 2019: Antworten zu den ganz großen Fragen des Lebens
- DER SPIEGEL, Online & Video, Mai 2019: So fühlt sich ein Sturz ins schwarze Loch an
- VOX, Online, April 2019: This is how Heino Falcke experienced the presentation of his breakthrough
- DER SPIEGEL, Online, Juli 2019: Herr Falcke erklärt das Unvorstellbare
- BBC, Online / Video, September 2019: Team plans colour film of black hole at galaxy’s centre
- Strip the Cosmos, popular astronomy TV documentary series, permanent “talking head”/expert