Heino Falcke’s inspiring and authentic personality make him an internationally sought-after speaker, not only in the area of science. In his lectures and keynote speeches, he shows impressively what it means to go to the frontiers of our knowledge and imagination, to believe in something bigger than we humans can imagine – and that it takes global teamwork to make bold dreams come true. Heino Falcke tells gripping and vivid stories about the great mysteries of the universe and takes his audience on an inspiring journey to the limits of space and time. He lectures in German, English, and Dutch. Find more information in his speaker portfolio.
Light in the dark. Black holes, the universe and us
Types of presentations: keynotes, keynote speeches, dinner speeches / fireside chats, panel participation, workshops
Languages: German, English and Dutch
Keywords: astrophysics, astronomy, faith, innovation, inspiration, technology, space, science, future

It takes the whole world to make the invisible visible. The first image of a black hole
Types of presentations: keynotes, keynote speeches, dinner speeches / fireside chats, panel participation, workshops
Languages: German, English and Dutch
Keywords: astrophysics, astronomy, faith, innovation, inspiration, technology, space, science, future
A journey to the end of space and time. From the great mysteries of the universe
Types of presentations: keynotes, keynote speeches, dinner speeches / fireside chats, panel participation, workshops
Languages: German, English and Dutch
Keywords: astrophysics, astronomy, faith, innovation, inspiration, technology, space, science, future

“Falcke has communications skills rarely encountered among highly specialised scientists: he can explain Einstein’s Theory of Relativity so that school kids understand it. When he talks about black holes, how they come into existence when a star collapses and joins the ranks of the weirdest places in the universe, when he explains their stupendous gravity and describes how they swallow everything, even light – then his enthusiasm has the same effect on his audience as a black hole attracting all attention. ‘That’s where physics goes bananas,’ he says, and you think, ‘Fascinating!’”
April 2019: European Press Conference, announcing the image of the black hole (over 3 million views, Heino Falcke ca. 6:30 – 11:30)
“I never believed that this black hole was as big as people said until we saw… that: This is the nucleus of the galaxy M87 and this is the first ever image of a black hole.”
Dec 2018: Science & Cocktails Talk “How to see black holes” (55 Min)
“How do you see something that’s a perfect nothingness? … That’s what we try to do in our science.”
Feb 2019: TEDxRWTH Aachen Talk “How to make the invisible visible” (15 Min)
“Let’s imagine we’re standing during a dark, clear night on a tall mountain and look at the Milky Way. You immediately will realize that looking at the stars it’s not just about science, it’s also a spiritual adventure. You start asking questions. And that was what happened to me when I was a kid. I was thinking about the universe and this universe was full of questions, fascination and hope and led me to do science and also to think about myself and who we are as human beings. What is out there in this heaven? Is there a god? Is this universe infinite? And if it’s not, is there an end to this universe? And if there’s an end what’s behind that end? And if that has an end what’s the end thereafter?”
- NDR Talkshow 30.10.2020
- SRF Sternstunde Philosophy 01.11.2020
- ZDF Lanz 11.11.2020
- Observatories around the world Sky News 27.04.2017 (Video interview)
- First ever black hole image released BBC 10.04.2019 (Video interview)
- Expedition into the dark center of the galaxies (preprint) DER SPIEGEL 22.10.2020
- Astrophysicist Heino Falcke tells the story of an epochal image NZZ 24.10.2020
- Licht in de duisternis (NL, Prometheus 30.10.2020)
- La luz en la oscuridad (Spanien, Debate 18.02.2021)
- Light in the Darkness. Unveiling the secrets of black holes and the nature of the human spirit (UK, Wildfire 04.05.2021)
- Light in the Darkness. Black Holes, the Universe and Us (USA, HarperOne 04.05.2021)